$50.00 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more High School Stipends
$300 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more College Stipends
$400 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more University Stipends
$600 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more Medical/Engineering Stipends

Get Involved



VAB Directors decided to make generous contribution towards VAB’s funding solvency. The aim is to use Directors’ contribution to cover all or most of VAB’s overhead expenditure, both in the USA and in Bangladesh. The VAB Bylaws say, this is “so that VAB can appeal more energetically to individual donors that 100% of their donation will go for Programs”.

VAB Bylaws stipulate, Annual Contribution for each Director may be set at a minimum of $2,000, untied to any services or contribution for any VAB program activity. Contribution must be paid within the year, preferably in the early months.


VAB is always open for partnership with any organization concerning improvement of the quality and availability of education for the underprivileged rural students of Bangladesh. We already have partnership with Chevron Bangladesh, Rotary Club, Agami Foundation and Jaago Foundation for example.


Be a Volunteer in USA

Volunteerism is coveted attribute in VAB – its name itself enshrines this. VAB USA is wholly managed and run by volunteers. This website itself has been developed by volunteers and now managed by volunteers. VAB welcomes volunteers with skills in different fields; management, IT, accounting, fundraising, networking, research and other area. Check with “Contact Us” and be in touch.


Be a Volunteer in Bangladesh

No battle can be won in isolation; collective efforts are vital to success. So, distribute your knowledge, power and responsibilities and volunteer all over Bangladesh where there is a great need for your skills. VAB is always blessed with wonderful volunteers who are the heart and soul of VAB’s core projects. We have a strong and committed team of student volunteers from universities who provide support to our programs and are an integral part of connecting with the aspirations of our rural students.

Be a donor

VAB provides a wonderful opportunity for you to give back something to the very society that has served you. You can donate any amount and your effort can change the life of an underprivileged student in rural areas.

As we told you above, every dollar of your donation goes to programs, directly helping the rural children in Bangladesh.


Be a Sponsor

You can participate in this great cause by sponsoring a VAB project or the comprehensive program for one or more schools. Our program aims at creating sustainable improvement of the quality of education over a five year period.



We recognize all donors, sponsors and volunteers. We have a scheme to name a project in your or your nominee’s name. Our accounts are accessible to all donors and sponsors.


Volunteer Opportunities


VAB relies heavily on volunteers to implement its educational programs Beginning in 2005 VAB has given the responsibility of school monitoring to about 30 local college and University students as Volunteer Interns. So far 68 of them have also been given various training and 35 have landed jobs.

VAB takes fresh university graduates as interns. This serves as a training ground for the potential future entrants in social sector through NGOs. VAB reaps benefit out of their ideas, vigor and desire to learn and puts them into substantive work in its program.

If you are willing to be an intern, please contact: vab.bgd@gmail.com



University students form a part of VAB workforce in the execution of its programs. The high school students can connect with these volunteers more closely. The volunteers become role models for the high school students and it incentivizes them to dream of their own future.

To enroll as volunteers, please contact: vab.bgd@gmail.com

Donate Now!

How your Donation to a VAB Program Will Help

$4,500 a year supports 5-year sustainable Quality Education Program under Basic VAB Model plus vocational training for one school. Vocational training for skills include: dress-making; electronics, plumbing and electrical work.

$3000 a year supports 5-year Quality Education Program under Basic VAB Model for one school. Basic Model includes well tested specific activities to empower Students, Teachers, School, and Community Linkage to achieve quality with sustainability.

$2,500 Endows a science lab, complete with equipment, signs / books OR a computer lab with four computers and accessories.

$1,500 Furnishing books for a school library.

$1,000 Provides 20 high school scholarships for a year covering tuition & fees, supplies and other associated activities including: Co-curricular Performance Award, Headmaster Seminar and Teachers Workshop, Parents-Teachers Meeting and Education Fair

$500 buys one computer.

$150 Sends one student to college for a year, providing tuition and all other fees, books and supplies.


VAB seeks contributions from individuals, foundations, corporate and government agency donors in North America. Fundraising is done mostly through letter campaigns, VAB presentations at community and professional gatherings, and meetings and telephone contacts with potential donors.

VAB’s operations are open to inspection by donors and others. It submits annual audited reports to the Internal Revenue Service and to the Department of Finance of the Government of the State of New York.

Donate By Mail


Your check made out to “Volunteers Association for Bangladesh” or “VAB” may be sent to the following address:

P.O. Box 234
Irvington, New York 10533
Phone: 914-231-7972

Your tax-exempt receipt will be mailed in due time.

IRS Tax Exempt ID: 13-4034550


Donate By PayPal


You can donate to VAB via Paypal. You will see the magenta-colored button on the website “Donate Now”, click on it and then follow the prompts.

You can pay by credit or debit card and also through your personal Paypal account.

Donate By Wire Transfer

Your donation may be made through a bank wire transfer. We will mail you a receipt after receiving the wire.

Please contact VAB Treasurer for Account Information for your wire at: mati_pal@yahoo.com or Tel: 1-718-358-4617.

Donate Through Employer Matching & United Way

Persons contributing to the United Way through their employer may designate VAB as the beneficiary of their contribution. Contact your employer for the procedure to be followed and the appropriate form to be filled in. If any donor works in an organization that matches his/her charitable contribution, please send the appropriate form duly filled in along with your contribution to VAB to apply for a matching grant.

Donate Now!
$50.00 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more High School Stipends
$300 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more College Stipends
$400 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more University Stipends
$600 /Year
  • Sponsor one or more Medical/Engineering Stipends